How Licensing Works

The Trial License

When you first download The Ultimate Debt Manager and start using it, you are running in "trial" or "evaluation" mode.  The trial license runs for 14 days and offers you unlimited use of The Ultimate Debt Manager within the following bounds:

Other than these limitations, the trial version is identical to the fully licensed version.

Full License

When you purchase a copy of The Ultimate Debt Manager, you are obtaining a full license to use the software on one computer.

Obtaining a Full License

To obtain a full license you must purchase that license.  This is done on the Pikauba Software web site, and as part of the purchase process you will create your unique license file.  This unique license file is then loaded into your copy of The Ultimate Debt Manager unlocking all functionality.  The following steps outline the process.

  1. Purchase a copy of The Ultimate Debt Manager
  2. The registration email and web site will prompt you to "Create Your License File"
  3. You will be prompted for a 'Machine Code'.  This is obtained from The Ultimate Debt Manager by selecting from the menu Help -> Licensing -> Get Machine Code.
  4. You will then be prompted for a password.  This is a string of characters defined by you, and ideally known only to you.  It will be used to encrypt the license file for extraction.  Please do not loose this password before loading the license file as there is no way to retrieve it.  Should you loose or forget the password, you can obtain a new license file via email from Pikauba Software support.  This process can take up to two business days to complete.
  5. You will then receive both on the web page, and via email your unique license file.
  6. Save the license file on your computer someplace (the location doesn't matter).
  7. From the user interface of The Ultimate Debt Manager, select the menu option Help -> Licensing -> Load License.  
  8. You will be prompted for the location of the license file you just saved, and then for the password you supplied earlier.  
  9. Assuming that both the file and password are correct, they are loaded and you are now able to use all functionality.

Note: This process assigns the license file to your computer account.  In the event that there are multiple user accounts on the computer, and the operating system is either Windows XP or Windows Vista, you can enable additional users to access the same license.

Enabling Secondary Users

Secondary users are users of the same computer where a primary user obtained and installed a full license file.  Enabling secondary users requires the primary user to provide to the secondary user the license file password, and then the secondary user to enter this password from the user interface of The Ultimate Debt Manager.  This is done from the menu option Help -> Licensing -> Apply User Code.

OEM or Volume Licensing

There have been a number of requests for OEM licenses.  If that's what you're looking for, we can accommodate you, please check out the volume license page.


© 2009 Pikauba Software. All rights reserved.

The Ultimate Debt Manager is a trademark of Pikauba Software. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.